Friday 13 April 2012

We did it! TPN Free

Allegra and I have been working hard to increase her NG (Nasal Gastric) feed so she can come off TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) feed, which is nutrition fed into her veins.  And we did it!
We were told on Thursay that Allegra needs to come off TPN  as her liver is damaging and she will have to have a NJ (Nasal Jejunal) which is a tube bypassing the stomach and going into the small bowel, IF we can't get her feeds up and Allegra tolerate the required amount.  In the past it has been really tough and Allegra has suffered enormously with stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting episodes.
So over Easter my little Allegra and I had a plan - to increase her feed by 5ml per hour throughout the day to reach her target feed by Tuesday, to eliminate having the NJ.
And we did it!!!!

Christine, one of Allegra's lovely nurses removed her TPN last night.  This means 2 less lines and 2 machines less on her medicine pole.
We are becoming lighter and lighter and I feel as though we are decluttering.  Finally, looking at Allegra's medicine pole I can see an end to our stay here at RCH.
I think I have mentioned this before that my little Allegra is just so clever.


  1. Love the de-cluttering concept!

  2. Hello Allegra & Jac, you are both in our thoughts especially with Allegra's pending 2nd birthday coming up. Its wonderful to keep reading about Allegra's latest milestones. I loved your term 'decluttering'... I realise next week will be as hectic as ever however if there's the remote opportunity to see you, I'll touch base and you can let me know how your travelling, lots of hugs and kisses from all of us! Lil x
