Saturday, 21 July 2012

A quick visit from Uncle Bwad

Uncle Brad (Bwad) came to visit his favourite baby niece, because she is so clever and he misses her ssoooo much..

Allegra is up at 5.30 Monday morning crawling around the house calling out Bwad.  Every plane that has flown over us in the last few days, it's Bwad.

Bwad is going to fix everything, all Allegras toys that need batteries, Bwad is going to fix us.  His hugs are the best, his words are comforting and sincere, his presence is missed.  Oh we love Uncle Brad.

We all had a lovely time and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.  Ma Mar loved having her youngest over.  I was comforted and felt cured for a few days.  Allegra just loved having one of her Uncles there to fuss over her.  We ate out, fed the ducks and just hung out.  Thank you Sissy for loaning him to us.

Monday night was dynamic.  Uncle Scott came over with Allegra's cousins and she had a fabulous time.  Mum had her kids together and her grand children and she was in her element. 

All good things must come to an end and the end came and we were all sad. Until next time.  And next time Aunty Sissy is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my name is Gloria and I found your post because I was searching beaded journey to see is I could get pictures of the beads and meanings as we misplaced the booklet and wanted to keep track. Myself and family (husband and 3 children) live near Edmonton Alberta Canada. Our 13 year old daughter Maria was diagnosed with ALL 6 weeks ago. I read your posts and I know exactly what you mean about being home and comfortable and at Peace. Life as we know it has changed as you do know. All the best to you and Allerga this is a battle we hope to win as well. Regards. Gloria Lovsin
