Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Starting Our Blog

Today I finally put my fingers to the iPad (which our loved family and friends bought us) while we are here in hospital.  My pen and pad are running out, and it is time for me to get technologically communicative.
Firstly I want to apologise for not answering your sms's, phone calls and emails.  We have appreciated everyone's kind thoughts, well-wishes, support and prayers. It means a lot to us knowing we have been in your thoughts.  I have not felt like talking or seeing anyone during this most traumatic time in our Iives. My focus has been completely on Allegra and her care during all of her treatments and procedures.
If you want to follow Allegra's story of where we have been and what we are up to within the walls of RCH please check back and comment if you like.

Today my little darling has excelled herself once again and was a complete trooper in a dressing change on her PSIS (Posterior Superior Iliac Spine).  She was heavily medicated on pain reliefs and Midazolam which has the similar effect of drunkenness, weird feelings for me seeing my baby in such a state but kinda cute, she had a great time on it!

Every day here is another day closer to us coming home - this is what keeps us going to the unknown date. Our routine is very out of routine.  Allegra could be up all night vomiting (like last night) or she could sleep peacefully until 11am.  This doesn't mean I can leave the room because I cannot risk her waking up when I am not there, amplifiying her sense of insecurity.  Although, while my mum (Kay) aka Mar Ma (Allegras grandma) is here, I do get a break for the odd shower, coffee  run and blog post.  Bless you Mum for being there for Allegra and me.  I could not do it without you, your love and commitment to us.  We will be forever indebted to you.


  1. Hi Jacq & Allegra or "Allega" as Seb calls her... missing you both and look forward to catching up. I'll link your blog in mine, if you'd like? sending all our love, hugs and kisses, Lil & the gang xoxoxo

  2. Hi Jacqui and Allegra,
    I'm so glad you have started your blog .....

    I am now a keen follower.
    Looking forward to your next post.

    Love Barry

    1. Thanks Baz, so pleased to have you here.
      We miss you.

  3. Kirsten Chadwick7 March 2012 at 12:50

    Hi Jacqui,
    it was great to read your blog, you write so well! Allegra looks so great and wow what a tough cookie and such resilience! You too, you are truley amazing. It must seem so normal now, hospital routine (or lack of it): home will be comparatively strange for a while!
    Keep up the good work,
    Love Kirsten

    1. Thanks Kirsten for your encouraging words.
      Allegra is an amazing little girl.
      We look forward to the day we are strolling ur streets in Nth Fitzroy

  4. i like it, jacqui. great to be able to pop in when i'm wondering how you are going. =)-Jen, Marc n Girls

    1. Nice of you to pop in, pop in anytime you like.
      Love you Jen
