Who is your favourite nurse? They ask.........
Allegra says Mel (Melinda). Mel did Allegra's dressing changes and saved her when she was coming off Midazolam badly.
It used to be Caitlin and Jess. We believe its ok to have a few favourites, depending on who is around at the time.
Allegra has hung out with Jess in the very early hours of the morning at the nurses station googling ABC for kids. Jess has taken Allegra down to see the fish before the sun had come up. I could leave Allegra with Jess while I grabbed a coffee and they had a lovely time together. Jess and Allegra are cheeky together. Allegra sends love messages, blows kisses and waits for her outside transplant to wave. Allegra does get very excited to see Jess. Jess makes everything ok and "better".
Nurses Carly, Rita and Corinna Nurses Hannah, Corinna and Carly
Caitlin has also babysat Allegra while I get coffee. They cuddle and watch YouTube. Caitlin teaches Allegra Italian, ciao ciao. Allegra gets very excited to see Caitlin, blows her kisses and calls out for her and pats her face with tenderness.
Allegra's nurses are fantastic. She has such a lovely individual relationship with them. She remembers all their names and when she is well she calls for them on her microphone.
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Cuddles with Nurse Leah Playing Gotcha with Nurse Marnie |
Cuddles with Nurse Caitlin Hanging out with Nurse Jess
We love Emma (Miss Allegra), Marnie (Gotcha), Jess and Jess, Caitlin, Mel (Sharpie) and Mel, Steph, Anthea, Michelle, Ella, Dianne, Karli, Leah, Grace and Grace, Kara, Bridgette, Amber, Emilina, Ali, Georgia, Felicity (Blonde Flick), Nightshift Jacqui, Kristine, Abbey, Nicole Bennett, Sophie, Kara, Holly, Mei Ling, Alice, Chantelle, oh my goodness there are so many yet very few we don't like. We are not fond of them because they either don't talk to Allegra and not even try to relate to her, give Allegra wrong medicine or the wrong way, treat us with disrespect or come in and wake us up in the middle of the night, unnecessarily.
My little Allegra is always so obliging for her doctors to examine her, she assists when she can making their job so much easier. She has touched their hearts and has even had her Oncologist dancing for her.
Assisting Dr Di
Assisting Dr Marty
Not such a pretty sight to see Marty bopping about with her daddy along side him. But then the things you do to put a smile on a little ones face when everything is so grim.
And then there are the nurses from Platypus (Orthopaedic) 4th floor. We will never forget Rita, we love Rita. Allegra would call out from her room in the early hours of the morning when we needed 4 people to help do a nappy change. Rita was the best and Allegra knew it. Then there was Yoon (Yoonie), with her experience and wise words she was invaluable. Especially at the time of diagnosis, she told me whatever happens I need to stay strong for Allegra. Allegra needs me to be strong and then she will recover. Thank you Yoonie, I didn't forget your advice. Carly was a gem, we wanted to win tattslotto so we could employ Carly as our full time nurse.
Allegra and Carly - our gem from Platypus Ward
Carly made Allegra's name bunting that hung beautifully on her bed frame then above our bed at home. So sweet. Everyone knew it was Allegra coming to surgery by her amazing decorated bed. A lot of nurses contributed to this masterpiece. Corrina was another favourite, Allegra taught her Auslan signing then Corrina would make up her own, thumb up - no worries. Hannah was awesome too. The girls took time to come see Allegra when we moved to Kookaburra and they are part of Team Allegra.
And Leo Donnan (Chief of Surgery - cant get any higher than that), he came to review Allegra on many occasions, he is a very gentle man with a great touch.
Professor Kerr Graham, what a another lovely man. We always felt safe when Prof was there. He called Allegra "little Allegra". Curtis was a gem, he never rushed us and was very thorough and Ash - Ash was our angel. Ash made everything alright, she was there to move Allegra in surgery, she is one talented lady and we were so lucky to have her care for Allegra. We cried many tears when she left. We love Ash.
We even have our favourite finger prickers (pathologists), Joanne, Debbie & Hoda. Allegra chooses her finger and asks for a dinosaur bandaid, she has a little cry then it's over.
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Finger Pricks |
She has bought tears to our eyes at times when she pats the pathologist's arm and says thank you when it is finished. My goodness could you get any cuter? We do have our least favourites and either I choose not to have it done or I ask, "baby do you want a finger prick today?" She responds looking out to see who it is and says "no", innocently. I support her and say no thanks not today. Love it! She even knows who we don't want, they had stopped coming and asking. They soon got the message.
I want to thank each and every one of them for their good care, being there for us and supporting us in the most horrendous time in our lives.
Allegra has certainly made an impact on many nurses lives. And doctors and professors too. For what she has been through she will never be forgotten at RCH.
Here is how some of the medical staff see Allegra:
'You are ridiculously cute Allegra'
'Aww you are such an amazing little girl'
'You are so good Allegra'
'You are so brave Allegra'
'I have seen thousands of children in my time but I have never met such an amazing little fighter like your Allegra' - Professor Kerr Graham
'I want to take you home'
'Allegra you can come home with me'
'Are you sure she is not 5, she is so clever'
'You are cute, so so cute, just the cutest'
'She is very aware for her age, she is an old soul'
'I want to eat her up'
'You are little bit cute Allegra'
'You are very wise Allegra'
'I love how fighty she is'
'You are very clever Allegra'
I can not buy or write anything that would show my greatest appreciation to all the medical staff at RCH. The only thing I have got is my massage expertise and when I can I will be taking in my chair and give all the staff a seated well deserved massage. I know they will appreciate that. Who wouldn't?